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Free Bible Verse images to use on social media!

  • Facebook
  • Instagram

Free Images

Colossians 3_1.png

Square Images

These Images work well on any social media site but particularly well on Instagram and Facebook.

Luke 6 38 Tall.png

Story Images

These Images are perfect for your stories posts on Facebook, Instagram or Snap Chat.

Psalm 113 3 Wide.png

Landscape Images

These banner style images are great for LinkedIn, Facebook or any other place you need a wide image.

Tier 5.jpg


The Bible Verse Images on this site are perfect for church social media or your faith-based business social media, and they are all free to use! We offer them through the Creative Commons License; however, we do NOT require attribution! You are free to adapt, change, and redistribute the images, even commercially; just do not re-sell them in any way. The images and designs offered on the products in our shop are not included in the Creative Commons License and are not available for reuse in any way. 


We are able to offer these great images for free through revenue from our shop and ad placements throughout the site. So please check them out!

Psalm 113 3 Wide.png
Isaiah 52_7.jpg

Custom Graphics

Are you looking for custom Bible verse images or other graphics for your Christian church or faith-based business?  We offer custom graphics starting at $25. Please fill out this form and let us know what you are looking for and we will get back to you soon!

Thanks for submitting!

Custom Grphics
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